I never got around to doing a July summary because I was gone about half of July due to my sister's wedding. I did a few deals while gone, but never got a chance to log them. I did however update my rebates.
August was a pretty good month for me. I spent more out of pocket than I'd have liked thanks to some awesome rebates at Walgreens this month and little to no rebates in the past few months which equals no gift card. :( Here's a breakdown though:
$69.74 worth of groceries for $31.94. Note that that $69.74 is taking the sale price before coupons. I never log the actual price.
$122.57 worth of products for $11.84 cash out of pocket. I have $17.49 in ECB's remaining for September.
$165.68 worth of products for $58.77 cash out of pocket plus $20.60 from gift cards. Will receive back $78.51 in Walgreens rebates, plus around $20 in manufacture's rebates.
$32.43 worth of product for $27.98 cash, will get back $22.98 rebate from RiteAid
Grand totals:
$390.42 worth of product
Used $179.67 in regular manufacture's coupons
Spent $130.53 cash
Will be getting back around $122 in rebates
Total spent after rebates?? $8.53
I haven't been to Walmart all month! I was just cleaning off my desk and found some receipts from Walmart from back in Jan. before I discovered the joys of couponing. I was easily spending $80-100 in there twice a month. And that was just for ME. Heather was also spending around $100 a month. I now buy everything for both of us. Amazing.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
August Summary
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Saturday deals!
I finally got over to Walgreens today to work the Kellogg's deal that is all the rage right now. I was out of town half of July and hadn't been doing much shopping while gone. I also didn't get my Sunday papers until I got back and I spent most of this week getting my coupons back in order (along with teacher in-service). So I finally made it over today. I was worried they'd be sold out, but amazing enough, I got everything I wanted/needed for the deal!2 boxes Frosted Flakes @ $2.50 each
2 boxes of Special K @ $2.50 each
2 boxes of Rice Krispie Treats @ $2 each
2 pacakges of cookies @ $2 each
2 boxes of Pop Tarts @ $2 each
2 Glade candles @ $1.99 each
I used the following coupons:
$1/2 Frosted Flakes
$1/2 Special K
$1/2 Rice Krispie Treats
$1/2 cookies
$1/2 Pop Tarts
(2) $1/1 Glade candle
Total spent $21.12 ($4.39 on rebate gift card, $16.73 cash)
I should have received 2 $5 RR's for the Kellogg's stuff, but only received one. The manager gave me $5.39 back in cash for the 2nd one. He "returned" 2 boxes of cereal so gave me tax back as well. I love this new manager!! I'll then submit the 2 candles for $1/1 rebates from Walgreens, and then send in for the $10 Kellogg rebate.
$21.12 - $5 RR - $5.39 cash - $2.20 (plus the 10%) candle rebate - $10 Kellogg rebate = -$1.47!!!
I guess MoneySavingMom is not doing Super Savings Saturday. But it is still DrugstoreDivas at The "Cent"sible Sawyer today!